Have you ever felt like you got nothing done in the day? Yet, you were busy putting out fires, attending to crying children and just chasing your tail. As August marched on those dog days of summer we are used to never showed up. Instead it rained for like 3 weeks. No lazy days at the pool and beach during our last few weeks of summer play. The house started closing in and the bickering began. My summer painting project (where I paint a room each summer when it is too hot to do anything else) was shrugged off. I was feeling more and more out of sorts. After taking the month of July off and a week of vacation at the beginning of August - It was official: our rhythm had become non existent.
How did this happen? Sometimes it sneaks up on you while you are on summer vacation. Enter the first day of school and regular rhythm. I was a little apprehensive, but was pleasantly
surprised (amazed!) when everyone was helpful, did their chores without complaint and participated fully in lessons.
Amazing! I couldn't believe how much I got done that first day. But the best part was, I felt in control. And relaxed. I had forgotten how good rhythm is for a household.
What can a good plan for your day do for you?
A good Rhythm Supports YOU
* Frees Your Energy-No more spending all your time wondering whatis coming up next in your day. Having a daily rhythm will free up your energy. Having a plan already in place will allow you to concentrate on what is happening in the moment instead of rushing around wondering what you are forgetting.
* Less Stress- Knowing you have it together gives you piece of mind, less stress and a chance to breathe. Everything won't always be perfect, but with a plan to start with there is a much better chance!
* More Focus: That peace if mind will allow you to work when you need to and be present and mindful with what you are doing instead..
* More fun Sprinkled in: Once your basic pieces of the day are mapped out, you will find opportunities to add some fun! Use your precious time for activities you love because you know the rest is taken care of.
Rhythm Support your Kids too:
* Kids thrive on a secure environment.
* They love knowing that YOU have it under control.
* A peaceful, flowing home allows them to play fully without worry.
* Reduces discipline issues because the routine is set and it just becomes "what you do."